John M

Username: Karl Toon
Karmojo: Has not earned any Karmojo yet.
From: England
Forum Posts: 204
Voting Comments: 197
Web site:

Competitions Entered

Month Title Final Rating Ranking
June Competition A terrible crime 3.09 133 out of 147 entries
May Competition Not remotely interesting 3.52 107 out of 201 entries
January Competition Showdown at the 11Second Grocery 3.53 42 out of 52 entries
December Competition Drunk as Skunks 4.1 45 out of 92 entries
November Competition Space Bar 3.9 108 out of 137 entries
October Competition The Lighter Side 3.8 112 out of 182 entries
September Competition Down the Farm 3.82 115 out of 177 entries
August Competition Holistic Success 3.28 43 out of 53 entries
July Competition Why would I do that? 3.25 74 out of 84 entries
June Competition Death of the Clown 3.3 104 out of 124 entries
May Competition At the Office 3.55 58 out of 86 entries
April Competition Down the Dungeon 3.81 165 out of 282 entries
March Competition In the Hallway 4.09 126 out of 283 entries
February Competition Humming on the Wire 2.92 229 out of 314 entries
January Competition A Trip to the Vet 3.71 62 out of 73 entries
December Competition E equals M C squared 4.17 42 out of 70 entries