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You Son't Speak French...

by Emese Faa

Final Rating: 5.35. Finished 40 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Emese Faa

Description: A young woman is being interviewed for a job. It's a little experiment for a future poject, and my first time doing lip sync.

Experience: Student

Time taken: Around 1-2 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Louis M.F.:

Oh man, this style is so damn cool. LOVE the old matron's eyes. Good economy of movement too (I know first hand how gruelling full animation plus this level of polish can be). Main nitpick is the matron's expression didn't quite hit the exasperation of the voice, but simply having her eyes widen instead of close on "French!" would give it that oomph while maintaining her stolid character, or maybe a little raise in her shoulders. Also the framing on the girl in red felt a little distant, a little closer and a little to the right would let us see her expression better and really solidify what you were going for with the framing. Bang up job right here. Would love to see more of your portfolio, it's awesome to see folks bringing back the golden era vibes.


Nice use of color

ronda crom:

four stars as i feel this needs more inbetweens....

Leesha Mendoza:

Has potenial, needs stronger acting and more body motion in both characters to feel alive.

David Nori:

Nice draftsmanship. The idea needs improvement though. Everyone does an interview. Think of 10 ideas and then flesh them out in writing and rough storyboards if you want too, but then choose the most original one once you've done 11 ideas