Final Rating: 3.02. Finished 91 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Shai Daza

Description: A girl falls during a ballet class and is scolded by her teacher for not knowing French

Experience: 10 yeats

Time taken: 12 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


sorry but it look so horrible

Louis M.F.:

Woah, impressive render-wise and the camera work's great, but the girl on the ground looks like she's hovering into the uncanny valley. Have a look into FK / IK to fix it and be careful with your key poses. I could picture this clip looking ten times better if the ground was kept out of shot, but don't let that dissaude you. Practice hard and develop this style, it's great.

Leesha Mendoza:

is this unreal? :o whoa...

Amelie Olima:

The lip sync is good! Critique: the animation is too floaty - there needs to be holds between each pose so it's easier to read. But the acting is definitely there which is awesome, and it was funny! Good work!