Final Rating: 3.14. Finished 87 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Brian Williams

Description: An entitled girl thinks this is the best way to get a free trip to Paris.

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Louis M.F.:

Hehe, this is cool! The characters emote well and show a lot personality. Movements feel a little floaty, but that could be easily tweaked by speeding up downward motion and slowing down upward motion, really try to pull the characters towards the ground. Lip synch is mostly on-point, but you could exaggerate it a little further, and it's good to have a character hold their lips pursed for 1-2 frames before they say a B or P to really make it "pop". Also making the lip synch come early by a frame is a little trick to make it feel more solid. Other than that, keep it up and yer goin' places.

Connor O'Brien:

Camera and setting are great, the anim is super messy though

Ezra Allen:

Do less with more polish.