Final Rating: 5.65. Finished 31 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: JISANG KIM

Description: Now this is a chance. It's time to show off my French!

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 7 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Phongsakorn Khamchaisu:

unexpected mouth shot nice!

Louis M.F.:

You've got a damn good eye for expression and gesture, whole lotta personality shining through here. Lip sync on the french was comedy gold, though the cut was a little jarring. Tightening up the composition before the cut, and replacing the cut with a little abrupt dolly in/out would've maintained the emphasis you were going for while keeping the scene flowing. That said, it caught me off guard and made me laugh. Keep pushing those gestures/expressions! This is some fine work.

Jennifer Croom:

this is really funny

Amelie Olima:

I love the cut to the close up of her mouth - that was really funny! The over the shoulder shots are great too, makes it more immersive.

David Nori:

The gradual jump cuts to the super close up doesn't work. The animations on the face are good, but maybe take out some of the cuts. There should only be one from wide shot to close-up

Diya Sarkar:

haha funnyy