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interview in France

by Aleasha

Final Rating: 4.35. Finished 66 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Aleasha

Description: a young women tries her best to answer the interviewers question but it goes wrong

Experience: animation graduate

Time taken: 10 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


much better to make expression

Louis M.F.:

Movement is a bit jerky, focus on following slightly wider arcs and flowing from one movement to the next, and experiment a little with your easing. Also look into Inverse Kinematics to make the table feel a bit more solid when they lay their hands on it, doodley3d has done a good video on FK vs IK. That said, you've given them a lot of life and the cue card addition got a chuckle out of me.

Leesha Mendoza:

Too much body and hand poses throughout the scene. Looks a bit awkward. I think simplifying the whole body and hand motion will help :)

Amelie Olima:

Fingers and spine are stiff at times, but the acting and general movement goes really well with the script; it's clear and easy to read, good work!

Corin Anderson:

There's some good stuff here, but the characters move very drastically and there could be more flow between the movements