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Anything but the Muffins!

by Priyanka

Final Rating: 4.71. Finished 123 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Priyanka

Description: Ellie's being much more overdramatic than usual over her burnt muffins.

Rig provided by Blender Studios.

Experience: 4 years, I mostly make 2D animation

Time taken: About 44 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Chloe Douzable:

I love the animation work!

I think the rig used is very unique and refreshing to my eyes as a lot of people use the same one. Since the rig looks more cartoony I think the animation should be similar. I would also recommend you have at least a background or something that helps add to the story. Right now I cannot tell what's going on. Great work aside from that!

Sofia Delgado:

alot of good secondary animation, its really good.