Final Rating: 4.01. Finished 189 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Martin camargo largo

Description: Es mi propuesta para este concurso, fue un reto crear el fuego y hacer movimiento de los labios, espero les guste

Experience: Un año y 2 meses

Time taken: 40 horas


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Ari Z.:

Nice twist at the end! To make Neka’s movements more realistic, remember that our shoulders rise whenever we take in big breaths. I like the hand movements you had her do while she was avoiding having to tell Ray she burnt her muffins, along with having her avoid eye contact before she broke the news! For Ray, I think you could push his demeanor alot further considering he would be able to see the kitchen actively ablaze.

Sofia Delgado:

the breathing is extremely distracting.

Aaron James Mongcopa:

Better not join next time if you're going to submit garbage. You're just wasting out time. thanks.