Final Rating: 5.31. Finished 79 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Roger Luo

Description: So sad she burned her muffins

Experience: 1 year

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Mathilde W:

without the switch of your camera, it will be better, you have a good composition :)

ronda crom:

nine stars first, I wasn't sure....but the last is emotions that are put right as it were....

Juan Luna:

Great work on your animation! I have to preface by saying I don't really understand the story here. If I'm taking the audio literally then it still doesn't make as much sense to me as the left character seems to try to pull the right character back in towards the end and I'm not sure why. That said, I do think a lot of the subtle motions such as the curling of the hands and the shoulders rising and falling heavily work super well!