Final Rating: 6.70. Finished 22 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Anna Shanturova

Description: She is endlessly surprised and a little ashamed...

Experience: 4 years

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Joana Rodrigues:

this is really good but if you had added some overlapping in the hair the animation would win other life

Ari Z.:

I love your main character’s acting! The choices made in animating her face really bring the audio to life and I admire how it all came together. To push this I would have her reaction when she says “Yes!” more exaggerated to show just how hurt she is from having burned her muffins. Also, although we can’t see much kf the second character’s face, we can still see his eyes. I feel like they don’t match his audio and possibly raising the brows and having him lean forward in disbelief could strengthen the impact of his reaction.

Sean Durkin:

I really love the facial animation of the female character. The fluidity of her makes the guy feel stiff and he doesn't need to be on screen until he speaks. Also, when he speaks his body movements don’t match the voice. He is very expressive in his voice but doesn’t move much on the screen.

Kaithlyn Villarreal:

The composition of this film is great! I like that we can see both characters during the conversation and that the character on the right is slowly anticipating what she is going to say. I think the lip sync is great and the facial movements look very realistic. I would suggest to add more emotion from the character on the right when he hears the news and add a tad of exaggeration when the character on the left sighs. Adding these elements would push the emotions shown a bit more. Amazing work!

Ezra Allen:


The pose on the girl is too straight to cam either go more 3/4 towards guy or away from. You could also shift between towards or away from. It can be subtle I wouldn't go full 3/4 just never straight on.

The "No " on the guy needs to be bigger and I would have his face tilt towards cam so the audience can read it better on his "No"

Great subtle acting on the female character good job.

Juan Luna:

Awesome facial expressions here! I do wish there was a bit more pushing in regards to the rest of the character's bodies as that part of their reaction feels much more muted than it should be. Great stuff!