Final Rating: 6.25. Finished 19 out of 243 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Oliver Gallagher

Description: A young woman is comforted by her newfound digital friend.

Experience: 2 Years

Time taken: 2 Weeks~


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Kalliope Draga Raptis:

This is really cute!

Alex Maynard:

Nice work :D

Kenzie Rennemann:

Good job on the environment and setting of your animation, it looks great! The animation on the left character looks very natural and I like that her actions are very subdued. For the character on the right, he definitely has some nice actions, but I think it needs to be pushed further. It almost looks like he is just paused and waiting to say the phrase "right here, right now" before he says it, so making a move that looks a little more natural to lead into that would help!

kosar momeni:

The movements and animation as a whole are excellent. However, I believe the female could use a little more emotion. nice work!