Final Rating: 4.97. Finished 77 out of 193 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: enes can erbaş

Description: 2d animation with my own character designs

Experience: Student

Time taken: A week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Adams:

Hard to rate this one. Unfinished, but what there is, looks incredible. Would've been one of the top entries if finished.


Great idea and partial animation! It's just a shame it's not complete. :') From what you've shown, though, I think your use of expressions is great, and there are some really interesting camera movements. It'd be cool to see how it turns out when it's more complete!

Katelyn Monnier:

This has a lot of potential, just wish it were finished. Good character acting, good camera angles and composition, and I love the characters themselves.

Rogier Henkelman:

Would have been amazing if it was finished!