Final Rating: 5.08. Finished 46 out of 195 entries.

451 views including the voting period.


Animator: Braulio Sánchez Echeverría

Description: Made with claymation alongside a friend.

Here we can see an old explorer discovering his son's plan, who is about to follow on his father's steps by going on a new adventure!

Experience: We are animation students at our 4th semester.

Time taken: 1 week to prepare all the materials and about


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Nice work.

Brian W.:

Pretty nice. Camera movement is effective. Mad props for doing stop-motion.

John McSwiggin:

Amazing stop-motion, well done.

Frank Geadah:

xtra star for claymation


This is nice! I'm sure a lot of effort went into making this. My only thing is that the guy on the wall kinda falls into another position and it starts to feel like he can't keep his balance. Other than that, I think you have some good animation and good poses. Especially when the guy flips his hat back.