Final Rating: 5.10. Finished 43 out of 195 entries.

498 views including the voting period.


Animator: TJ Askew

Description: I'm really seeing my fundamentals and balance starting to develop. Next I'm going to really focus on pushing my poses and acting.

Experience: 0 Years

Time taken: About 30 hours.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


LOL! Funny

Howard Cameron:

Boss Baby!


Ha ha. Nice .

Brian W.:

Nice reveal.

Debby Albers:

The man walking into the room feels too slow, and it might be better to have him react while entering, rather than coming to a stop and then reacting. The rest of the animation feels really nice and fluid, with nice follow-throughs and arcs and subtle action. Some of the lip sync on the baby could be improved. I think the baby could look at the teddy bear sooner, maybe when he says "see?" and give a nod in the man's direction, almost like he's talking to the bear. Overall, a really awesome animation. Good job!


Is that baby rig... is that a heavily modified Norman? Because if so, that's amazing.

Sabrina Winkel:

Very creative idea! Reminds me of Boss Baby