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Are you up to something?

by Eli Brennan

Final Rating: 6.04. Finished 21 out of 195 entries.

640 views including the voting period.


Animator: Eli Brennan

Description: Roommate walks in on a special moment.

Experience: Senior Uni Student

Time taken: A couple weeks on and off


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Laurie Bick:

I love this, should make top 5 for sure.

Hilarious, great movement.


staging was a little difficult for this one at the end with the doll. Had to watch it a second time to notice that her head fell backwards. nice job though.

Bivek Dawadi:

very good


maybe from being sober u couldve given shown him a little more drunk with crazy eyes .. thta coud bve added a little flare to it

Carolyn Merklein:

love the set up. the sigh could use some work, it doesn't quite line up.