Final Rating: 3.48. Finished 181 out of 310 entries.

413 views including the voting period.


Animator: Jordan Thompson

Description: Daughter is worried why her mother gave her an alcoholic beverage.

Experience: Currently studying at the DAVE school for animation.

Time taken: 2 Weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Gaucelm De Villaret:

Some good ideas... Interesting angle and placing of the characters... But the movements are exaggerated at the wrong times... Beware of the speed...

Ariyanto Zulkifli:

Nice set up. But, the timing and spacing is off. Some reference will help you get the right timing and spacing.
Keep practicing. :)

Rachel Col:

The mom's motions in the beginning are amazing! It's a bit too fast when she drinks though, and maybe do some more movements with the eyebrows/expressions? Great work though

Sabrina Winkel:

Lip sync is good the only thing I would say is the daughter. She's looking down the entire time. She has no facial expressions. Try to make her look up at her mom

Marcella D.:

Facial expressions could be worked on a bit more, I say 90%

Fernando Incetta:

Looks good, and I like the composition a lot. Work a little bit harder on the blocking stage before going into splines. Congratulations

Monica Stringer:

the drinking action and the kids reaction at that moment are, awkward, not good enough to say why, but theirs just something off there