Final Rating: 6.00. Finished 16 out of 169 entries.

224 views including the voting period.


Animator: Zoe Piel

Description: Trouble at the hot dog stand.

Experience: 10 years of messing around

Time taken: 30 days, working irregularly


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Guy Charnaux:

Awesome! Especially the french bulldog (?) at the left, loved his acting and the sort of "droopy" expressions!

Adam Singer:

Love the idea and animation! Great stuff :) My only critique is that the dog on the R feels like he's moving around too much when he's not talking. But anyway nice work

Craig P. Smith:

The foreground dog move around too much. He's all over the place. Pick a few of the poses, and leave him there longer so he's not looking around so neurotically.
Nice style and animation flow though.

April Slocombe:

Love the idea of the streams being ketchup and mustard. Lovely drawings and animation if the guidelines can be seen in a few frames.

Sam H:

Geat animation and a really nice interpretation of the soundtrack