Final Rating: 4.75. Finished 68 out of 169 entries.

29 views including the voting period.


Animator: David O. Diaz

Description: Komen is warning Luke, but the war is getting to him.

Experience: 2 yrs

Time taken: squeezed out over 5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Great idea! I would maybe tweak the framing to mind the silhouettes more (especially in the first shot). I think the ending would've been a good opportunity to make the character go guns ablaze!

Nice job though!

Akshay De:

I really liked your scene. I wish I could see this properly animated. it really caught my attention

Serena Gorn:

I personally think that this is very good animation. I'm sure if you had more time, you would be able to make it cleaner and more fluid.