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Love Letter

by Eyal Navon, June Competition Winner!

Final Rating: 8.90. Finished 1 out of 72 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Eyal Navon

Description: Vera reads Marcel's love letter. He is not sure at first whether she likes the poem he has written her.
But little did he know what radiant feelings he was unleashing in her ...

Experience: 1.5 years as a student of Sasha Dorogov

Time taken: 3.5 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Smooth and fluent! The arcs you made a very nice too!


why is this so CUTE!?

Chester Sampson:

Great work! Super appealing

Richard Adams:

....Wow.....I think this is the 1st prize winner this month.

Jack Hebert:



I love it

Vicent Matoses:

how can one say so much with so little! i will certainly wash my eyes again but the look in the girl's face is so charming and gracefull that deserves the highest rating!


It's hard to pick a favorer moments from this animation, but the subtle eye movements and head gestures bring this animation from a 10 to an 11. I'll definitely be looking at your work for ins=speration for my future pieces