Final Rating: 5.89. Finished 21 out of 72 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Stenny

Description: Not completely finished, but let me know what you think!

Experience: Some

Time taken: About a week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Giancarlo Ferri:

Love the idea and the ghost lady's movement is really smooth!

Ariana Kanchuger:

I really like your gestures in this! His neck rub and arm movement are really nice, as well as her movements on “supposed to mean” and “sick of that”. The wave action on her hair and tail is also really well done.
I know 2D is very time consuming, but I would be interested in seeing what your animation would look like without any of those stops. Like on “sick of that” the beginning of the movement is great, but I’d love to see the followthrough and transition to the next movement

Richard Adams:

Love this one! The guy, feels unfinished. But the floating Her gesturing, poses, the smoothness of her movements especially her hair and tail... is terrific!


The poses and timing work really well although I would've liked to see a more complete product.