Final Rating: 5.20. Finished 36 out of 131 entries.

477 views including the voting period.


Animator: Yuri Marcel Vieira

Description: A girl is trying to act a scene to her pearents with her teddy bear Buttons, but Buttons is not cooperating

Experience: not enough

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jonathan McKimmel:

This made me smile XD the characters are cute and the concept is really funny, good work

Shakya Achyut:

a little bit of moving hold would give more life

Marcus Taylor:

I'm not sure why Kayla has to go out and in of focus when Buttons' stays in focus the whole time.


very creative

Eli Orr:

Very nicely done! Great job on changing the characters emotions from one to another.

Szilard Hadobas:

Hi nice job! I don't get one thing, the eyebrows move so over-exaggerated I couldn't see anything else. Tone it down and make sure they have a reason to move, not just move it all the time.

Samidha Kumar:

loved the idea :)