Final Rating: 4.47. Finished 57 out of 151 entries.

392 views including the voting period.


Animator: Melissa

Description: The kidnappers who are speaking to the victim.

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Bruno de Coninck:

Not bad but the moving hold at the beginning could be better. Also a little slow. I see a little bit of "talking head effect" on the end. Try to make youre pose more dynamic.

Nikolas Diamant:

I like the hat flick

Richard Clark:

I would find a better pose at frame 87 with the character holding the cup. Right now it's straight toward camera and the fingers are displayed so makes for a bad pose in general. I like the camera work you did...very nice! There are times when the older character stops on a dime with his motions. I would finesse this more.

Nathan Greensmith:

good point of view camera work, nice animation, good job.