Final Rating: 3.17. Finished 120 out of 151 entries.

336 views including the voting period.


Animator: Paige Young

Description: These characters aren't mine; they were provided by my class instructor. No lighting, no texturing, just a quick playblast.

Experience: 3 years

Time taken: 4 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Bruno de Coninck:

The jumpcut in the middle was kind of useless I think. Except that, your animation is pretty mecanic I think. Add some followthrought and some overlaps. Also, if you extand your arm, your center of gravity will shift and your whole body will move.

Nikolas Diamant:

you don't need the camera cut

Richard Clark:

I would shoot reference next time.

Eric Raffle:

your camera shots are not flowing nice you should have kept to one camera as the second camera did no justice it just made the shot worse.



Eddie Higgenbottom:

the black guy don't seem to be speaking up to the part.
keep on working!

Nathan Greensmith:

Great shot, some of the poses are good, but the animation is very jumpy, needs a bit of refining, as does the lip sync. Good effort though.

Kyra Toomey:

The camera cut wasn't necessary.