Final Rating: 3.21. Finished 117 out of 151 entries.

310 views including the voting period.


Animator: Iverson

Description: First Entry

Plzz be go easy on me due to my lack of experience :p

Experience: 2 weeks of Maya

Time taken: 1 week of an on including the background


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Bruno de Coninck:

Too many angle. I think it is confusing. Except that, from what I see the animation seems decent, but it is hard to see with the bars. My only suggestion here would be to find an angle that will let us see your animation. As I said it seems prety good but it is very hard to see.

Nathan Greensmith:

looks quite good, shame its a preview with all the rig controls showing, but still good job.

Tyson Haeh:

This can easily be achieved with two camera angles, what you have now is really jarring

Carlos Guadarrama:

Your animation is very nice, next time try turning off NURBs curves before making the playbast :)

Kyra Toomey:

Too many unecessary camera cuts.