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by camilo egido, January Competition Winner!

Final Rating: 8.89. Finished 1 out of 61 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: camilo egido

Description: she really needed those donuts!

Experience: 8 years

Time taken: 25


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Isaiah Hoeninghaus:

Really great balance of exaggerated and subtle key poses. The timing is also very well done and snappy.

Visual Animation:



Sarathbabu A S:

good one

Shaun Bartoo:

Great timing and posing, fantastic work. I love gesturing with the donut haha.

Richard Adams:

Wow. *Really* nicely animated! Beautifully rendered, too.

Aaron James Mongcopa:

Possible winner, nice poses and timing.

David Fliesen:

Very nice work!!! I love your overexaggerating of movements as it feels right in the animation. and having the donut in her hand at the end works nicely to extend the movement of the animation.

Charls Thomas:
