Final Rating: 5.02. Finished 21 out of 83 entries.

474 views including the voting period.


Animator: David Jordan Cox

Description: Were being chased by a deadly robot, and you're playing video games??

Experience: 3 Years

Time taken: 3 Weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Howard Cameron:

The dialog does not fit the alien playing the videogame. Expression should along the lines of dejected/depressed/disappointing, not happy

Ben Hall:

Almost there but I feel like it lacks a fluid transition between poses like at every pose we pause there then we go to the next one and pause which makes the animation feel unrealistic. It's not the same thing as being in the blocking stage but it feels like the poses happen at every dialogue beat instead how someone would actually move.

J.K. Riki:

Overall pretty nicely done. I like the connection between the characters, and the story outside the simple dialogue. One thing to keep in mind is to watch cliche poses. The mother character goes from pose to pose in a very stereotypical manner (like pointing to herself on "Me") and if you avoid things like that it will improve your work overall. Good luck with future entries!

Brian Duffy:

good animation, but I think you're trying too hard to come up with a wacky setting, and it stretches the dialogue a little too far. you'd be better off focusing on strong character performances, even with very little "setup". having to think about what's being portrayed here and bridging the gap from the simple dialog to this complex context distracts from appreciating the performances