Final Rating: 5.99. Finished 54 out of 314 entries.

2,594 views including the voting period.


Animator: Conan Sinclair

Description: Compadres in the desert.

Experience: 5

Time taken: 3 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Nat Black:

very nice! love the idea

Jamie F:

i feel the chameleon was framed slightly too high. I didn't notice it for a while. Otherwise nice!

Dieguito Pritchett:

Lacks in the lip sync. Pretty good walk cycle, maybe you can push the animation a bit to the next level by possibly moving the chameleon on the horns or something for more character. Just an idea... Keep Animating :)


Watch for the buffalo's walk cycle, the Tx of the feet isn't animated at all which makes look kinda like a mechanical character