(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Mike Tse:
Watch the jump cut near the beginning, it's a bit distracting. The shoulder shrug in the beginning is nice. The meat eaters actions are a little bit too exaggerated, especially the close up head movements. Keep working at it!
David Ramirez:
This has good timing. Lip-sync is matching up. The first camera cut can be taken out or have a greater change in camera angle. The slight angle change makes it look like a camera jerk instead of a cut. Check out the 30 degree camera rule for cuts.
Adrian Winchell:
Watch your arcs, it's a bit choppy, particularly on the carnivore. "pork" and "chickens" are ridiculously distorted and startlingly break the fourth wall.
Animator: Sean Bitara Dela Torre
Description: A vegetarian being jeered by a carnivore.
Used Morpheus rig by Josh Burton.
Experience: 2+ years
Time taken: 2 weeks