(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Sarah Dunn:
Valentious Williams:
Borislav Dimitrov:
Woow. what is this??? you have like 10 distracting camera cuts. you could use only 1 or max 2.
also the posing. rubbish. find a good idea shoot good reference and then goo to maya and start blocking and doing your shot. it feels like you opened maya imported the audio and started thinking of the poses and the idea. which is wrong.
kishan Rathod:
Needs a lot of improvement
Shelby Christie:
There are way too many cuts for the time frame. I would limit it to 4 at the max. It was difficult to follow what was going on.
Sergio Barragan L:
so bad!!!!
April Slocombe:
There are a few unnecessary shots at the beginning and the lip sync is elastic and could do with more work but the poses are decent.
Animator: Jonathan Early
Description: A down and out man puts on a positive persona for his associates amusement.
Experience: A little 2d and yesterday spent learning 3d
Time taken: nearly a whole day