Final Rating: 4.06. Finished 53 out of 100 entries.

389 views including the voting period.


Animator: Sumedh Dharmadhikari

Description: Kind of a reporter interviewing a man with some deep knowledge.

Experience: No Idea

Time taken: about 25 hours in all


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Chris Rodriguez:

poses are ok, a little stop and go and floaty. Spend some more time on splining

Justin H:


Jack Stollery:

interesting idea

René Vargas Romero:

Nice blocking!

Richard Carrillo Barrios:

I can't understand what's happening, you may want to work on that (at least think about that hehe) GJ

Sabrina Winkel:

This was boring


nice animation conspt

Ankit Singh:

inprove jurk