Final Rating: 2.35. Finished 130 out of 138 entries.

360 views including the voting period.


Animator: Keenan Muller

Description: her friend the squirrel tells her that he can no longer be her enable her addiction.

Experience: student

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Eric Raffle:

staging was all wrong, you could have added better posing for the girl and the raccoon needed better staging and appeal.

Nathan Younger:

love the idea, love the ending, but the squirrel is floaty

Harishankar Thiyagarajan:

Decent work. Around frames 85 you have moved the leg controls and also rotated the global control, so the character is sliding. Try to focus on timing, character weights and make sure the objects don't overlap each other.

Pauline Champetier:

Eye direction is really important, all the time but especially when 2 characters are interacting. Next time try to work on it more, there is plenty of things to explore in that direction too !