Final Rating: 3.11. Finished 206 out of 330 entries.

283 views including the voting period.


Animator: Antonio Pires

Description: This is my unfinished entry for this month 11 sec chanllenge.

Experience: student

Time taken: 2 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Zach Savaglio:

I wish that there was time for you to add some details! It seemed really good!

Gaethan Bracke:

Nice animatic. I like the overall acting in it. Frames 191-238 are a bit unclear to me though. You could maybe have the second character look back over their shoulder while saying "it's a human insult" because right now neither of their faces are visible from the camera point of view. Nice drawing at frame 261 btw

Tom Islava:

where's the lip movement on the cat?