Final Rating: 3.38. Finished 195 out of 290 entries.

432 views including the voting period.


Animator: Marchand Venter

Description: you too, Brutus?

Experience: 1 Semester

Time taken: 2 Weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Fernando Incetta:

A pretty solid blocking but it lacks refine. Good idea and setting.


Concept was fantastic

Michael Kasiurak:

I like the head concept but his arms seem a bit stiff.


I like some of the acting choices but without polish they really just didn't land.

Pierre Hauzeur:

Liked the jaw movement of the disembodied head !

Dan Harriman:

Lol!! I haven't seen this kind of take on the audio yet!! I like it.

Imon Branch:

no color and the movement needs more work