Final Rating: 5.96. Finished 17 out of 151 entries.

926 views including the voting period.


Animator: Alex Ferreira Simões

Description: When you hear some voices...

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 6 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Bruno de Coninck:

Interesting work. Particulary the red guy pushing the head on the left. A little detail throught : the facial animation could be improved and it could be also more subtile : it is a close up. Yu can give a lot of information this way.

India Swift:

Love the idea

Richard Clark:

I was waiting for one of these shoulder angel ideas to show up...haha. Though, I would have used the same rig for Kronk from Emperor's New Groove.

Nathan Greensmith:

Some great posing especially on the second character, great job.