Final Rating: 5.85. Finished 18 out of 151 entries.

896 views including the voting period.


Animator: Carlos Guadarrama

Description: Here's my July entry...

Cat has the right to one phone call :)

Thanks so much to all the people in the forums for their feedback.

Experience: 4 years give or take

Time taken: Around 14 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Nathan Greensmith:

Great poses, good animation, nice job.

Yohan Zagrodnik:

I like how you bring the second character.


Nice weight shift

Bruno de Coninck:

Great work! I saw your work in progress and I was amased by it! I particulary love the change of pose of your caged character. The cat animation could be improved throught. I think adding some speed contrast would make it look more natural.

Nassim Briedj:

why a cat ??!!!... very good one

Kyle Novak:

Saw your wip, this wasnt a great improvement. The cat rig was a bad idea, and the inflection on the last "call him" is up, and your caged character should reflect that.