Final Rating: 3.90. Finished 108 out of 137 entries.

314 views including the voting period.


Animator: Rebecca Koontz

Description: Bonnie and Kayla have just been caught shoplifting and are in the mall jail. Nervous that they will get in big trouble, Bonnie starts telling Kayla to sit down and behave. But, Kayla doesn’t want to sit down next to the other scary person there.

Experience: About 1.5 years in school for animation.

Time taken: 5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Marnie Shick:

Very confusing

samuel choy:

The movements are too smooth, not enough texture. Slow in and slow out would benefit this piece. Kayle seems to float at some points.

Elisabeth Janerka:

Don’t understand the setup.