Final Rating: 6.08. Finished 26 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Andrea C

Description: A dialogue in a standard job interview.

Animated in Blender.
ATTENTION : both rigs are NSFW. Search them at your own risk.
Miss Pauling rig Gladiatus13 (NSFW).
Daphne rig by anovenkijkureda ( NSFW ).

Experience: 10

Time taken: 5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


better to purple girl's layout

Louis M.F.:

Yoooo SFM! This is great, nailed the expressions (esp. that nuclear level of indignation at the end). Good mix of slow and snappy motion. Only thing I reckon you could improve is pushing the gestures further. Great stuff

Leesha Mendoza:

mouth shapes on dialogue could be better, but solid effort!

David Nori:

Shoulders move without upper body being affected or motivating the movements