Final Rating: 5.41. Finished 39 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Diya Sarkar

Description: A conversation between a teacher and a senior student who will be taking juniors' classes for french.

Experience: I have started 2D animation a year ago

Time taken: 15 hours approx


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Frankie T:

This is so cute!! The facial expressions are spot on to anime

Richard Adams:

Top 5 entry IMO. Beautifully drawn and animated.

Louis M.F.:

Nice expressions, great gesture, always cool to see other 2d animators doing hand-drawn lip sync on 1s. Overall motions need a little anticipation/followthrough to really make them pop, and it's generally good to move the whole body at least a little to really bring out the character's personalities. The hair physics is a great touch but just needs a little toning down, would work in an outdoor setting but indoors hair hangs a bit heavier. Nice work overall!

David Nori:

Hand movements and other movements as well, don't affect the rest of the body.