Final Rating: 7.84. Finished 5 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Connor O'Brien

Description: An astronaut and her curious alien companion decide to take a break from intergalactic heroism to visit France.

Experience: 2 Years

Time taken: 12 Days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Phongsakorn Khamchaisu:

love gesture when the character waves the flag.

Frankie T:

This is so unique and creative I love it

Louis M.F.:

Dude... This is cool!!! Gestures are rad as hell, movement is snappy, expressions are banger. I can see that Spiderverse/Puss in Boots influence coming through strong with that sweet, sweet chop-motion. Nice camera move too, minimalista but effective. VERY nice.

Richard Adams:

Love the sheer creativity of this one; unique idea. Well animated.

Leesha Mendoza:

Strong entry, and cute idea!!! Love it

Ezra Allen:


David Nori:

Idea is original and context is provided. Great physicality and well motivated actions for the characters