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She was a little scary

by Konor

Final Rating: 5.96. Finished 22 out of 142 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Konor

Description: It's not the best idea to anger a beast

Animation practice for these characters from a wip school project

Experience: 2 years (on-off)

Time taken: 1 month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Mau Morris:

I like the overall strangeness and the mystical creature.

168: I like the slight tilt of the head going downward. It gives the character a little cheekiness. Like they were aware that that this would be the result and were totally not surprised or apologetic.

215: I like the three-quarter face angle of this frame and might have been more visually interesting to stop at this angle. The full flat profile from 220-249 is just not as appealing as it is very flat. Plus, you lose the great intense expression of the brows you have in frames 211-215.