Final Rating: 5.85. Finished 21 out of 185 entries.

1,702 views including the voting period.


Animator: Joseph Teh

Description: Some maniac that have phobia on can food talking to his fish.

Experience: 5 years

Time taken: 14 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Pamela Rivera:

Good job! But I think is overacting, specially when he inhales. I like when the fish makes the question. It feels really smooth


I would have framed this a little different (the main character feels a little "cramped") but good animation :)

Richard Adams:

That off-kilter cake. lol. Really well animated. Body language, facial expressiveness, lip syncing, all superb.

Shiladitto Gupto:

Please try to add more offset.. everything is going together.. the hands are moving just at the time when the body is moving.. the same goes for the ehead too.. add some offset it will look much better..