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The mysterious answer

by huetter ludovic

Final Rating: 5.20. Finished 55 out of 197 entries.

39 views including the voting period.


Animator: huetter ludovic

Description: a master talking to her maid to scare her.
animation made with maya 2014

Experience: 8 month

Time taken: 8 day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jesse J. Jones:

Last hand movement seems odd and over-acty. Try sticking with one pose and holding it for more emotional impact. Great work though! :)

Aaron Rivera:

Very nicely done! Everything moves and works properly and the acting is good, though I question the decision of him ending on another point. It seems a little odd to go from a point, to a flare, and back to a point. I think a fist or finger pinch could've been more natural. Nice job either way.

Menga Nkouka:

a close up on the man at the beginning of the music could have more impact. Great environment..