Final Rating: 7.94. Finished 4 out of 193 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Thomas Dibet

Description: An angry dude getting invaded by a big orange cat

Experience: 5 years more or less

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Love the fluidity, great animation skills!!


The king of smear frames !
Vous devriez en faire votre métier !

Richard Adams:

Top 5 entry. Amazing cartoon style animation. Body mechanics, facial expressiveness, lip syncing, all incredible. Love the way Mr. Buttons darts around. Possible winner??

Denise Bunschoten:

This shot has a nice flow and some interesting dynamics! Good job! The cat moving from screen left to screen right, and then to disappear again seems a bit much too me. Especially when he seems to slip to the left again, but then ends up at the window on the right instead, is throwing me off.

jay patel:

Nice animation.


Wonderful, fluid animation! Lipsync could use some work, it is delayed at some points and early at others and distracts from the rest of the piece.

Joshua Barcenas:

The use of space is done so well here! I like the setup for the final punchline with the previous action where the feline character is jumping around the frame in one continuous shot. The way the characters interact is so well done as well! Same applies for the character expressions throughout the entire animation. Great work!