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Diner Shenanigans

by Roy

Final Rating: 5.64. Finished 33 out of 107 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Roy

Description: All made in Maya, I used the CG Tarian-Ray rig for the characters and used the Radeon Pro Render.

Experience: 5 years

Time taken: Took up 2 weekends


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Samuel Alejandro Zamarrón González:

Like the expressions, just a bit less exaggerated


nice shock expression.

Odelys A.:

I really like when the first character acts with “oh, okay.” His other movements, though, do not seem to support his dialogue. Plus, the second character almost seems motionless. Perhaps you could emphasize the second character with more dramatic action, but still less compared to the first one. As for the first one, you could try reducing the head bounce when he says, “okay.” Regardless, great job with the lighting and setting.