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The Farmer and the Dragon

by Rishi Harshvardhan

Final Rating: 3.34. Finished 87 out of 104 entries.

424 views including the voting period.


Animator: Rishi Harshvardhan

Description: I did this animation as my second one, in here to develop my skill in animation, as I have not done animation in a long time.

This idea is a coversation between a Farmer and a teenager.

Experience: one year in college

Time taken: almost 2 weeks weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Zachary Checkeye:

May just be me talking, but of your shots-and you do have alot of them- most of them have the subject matter at the center of the screen. don't be afraid to shift them to the side and dolly the camera closer to whose acting.