Final Rating: 4.89. Finished 52 out of 106 entries.

451 views including the voting period.


Animator: Yuri Marcel Vieira

Description: It sucks to have feelings sometimes.

Experience: not nearly enough

Time taken: almost two weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Skylar Zerr:

some good ideas here. not sure why the character is looking to camera right all the time. Is her dad there?

Amy Hook:

I love the asymmetry in the mouth! Nice. I think you need to make the spine curvier as she goes for the lean forward.

Jean Lamy:

Too stiff, she falls down too quickly and there is no slight bounce afterwards. Usually there would be. It also doesn't make much sense if she puts the phone down and answers to voice 2's statement. Nice poses though, I had the same idea.

Jordan Lewers:

Really digging the mouth movements at the end.