Final Rating: 4.53. Finished 88 out of 201 entries.

46 views including the voting period.


Animator: Viloj Pattiam

Description: A man, His wife died while giving birth ......
he tensed with his newborn boy treated by others

Experience: 5 year

Time taken: 52hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Vinu Nair:

good concept... need to works on poses

Ryan D Lowe:

Hi there.
When I was first starting out, no one ever
took the time to say anything on my shots.

I can't give you constructive feedback here,
as your work seems to lack an overall
understanding of the principles of animation.

However, I emplore you to seek out these
books, and began your studies.

"Character Animation Crash Course"-Eric Goldberg
"Acting for Animators"- Revised Edition
"How to Cheat in Maya 2012/2014"-Lutha Roy

There are many more, but these will get you
started. Best of luck on your journey!

Danny Kneip:

A beautiful render, but an unbelievable performance by the boy - none of this poses or choices seems to fit, in my opinion. However, the doctor is well animated and shows special care with the baby (although the sync needs polishing).

Valentious Williams:



compare to other simply superb