Final Rating: 4.88. Finished 26 out of 83 entries.

402 views including the voting period.


Animator: George John Bowden

Description: Before anyone points it out, yes I did break the 180 degree rule! On purpose too! Rules are made to be broken.

Shame Malcolm doesn't share the same idea with his over demanding Mother...

Mother! Featuring Malcolm & Kayla.

Experience: 3 Years

Time taken: 2 Weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Baley Jauma-Hall:

seems a bit too fast and jittery

Pavel Yakush:

He speaks 2-3 frames before sound.
This scene is funny )

Ben Hall:

It has it's moments where it seems like the animation is perfectly smooth and that would make it a top contender in the competition but other times the lip sync is off or an action happens too fast. Even the action where he ran to his mother which was meant to be justified as a cartoon motion feels too fast because we can just barley see it. I think if you had just a little bit more time to tweak this it'd of gotten my highest vote so I think you're almost there you just gotta improve slightly.

Howard Cameron:

Very nice modded character


Interesting pace

Daniel Miller:

The sneak at the beginning seems a little fast, slowing it down will really sell it