Final Rating: 6.88. Finished 14 out of 113 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Giselle Harvey

Description: She just wants a snack

Experience: None professional, been learning for 2 years

Time taken: About 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Erin Goddard:

love the melodrama, nice work!

Richard Adams:

Love this idea you came up with, and her ham acting. LOL.

Nicholas Green:

the over the tope movments are quite funny, espcially that ballet like leg in the air pose, as is the guys reactions to them, its quite funny how she's eating them while saying they are not for her too, brilliiant!

Kyle Newton:

Unbelievable that you made that leg up pose feel natural and transition between poses smoothly during this line read. What a choice.