Final Rating: 3.49. Finished 164 out of 231 entries.

509 views including the voting period.


Animator: Sebastian Kuder

Description: Two guys having a conversation

Experience: Not much

Time taken: About 8-9 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Evan Helford:

You have nice poses and you set the mood well, but it doesn't seem to align with the dialogue. It's dark and hard to see the characters. Also, it's hard to get a sense of what one of the characters is feeling because his back is towards the camera. It would help if we could see his face too.

Joaquin Casas:

not easy to see the characters.

Richard Adams:

Main problem is this is too dark to see the animation well.

Adrian Winchell:

It's simple, but very solid animation work. It's so dark it's hard to see the foreground character tho'! Since he's effectively in silhouette anyways, you need to do more of his animation with gesture, as well.

Joep de Laat:

why is the camera moving? what does it add except distracting motion?

Yanick Belanger:

Looks great ! I think the lighting does not sell well the animation, because we don't see enough his face. We are a bit far to appreciate the acting too. But still, the animation is good